Archive News Releases 2006

NCTO Letter, 12/08/06 “Textile Industry and Labor Officials Urge House and Senate to Reject Job-Destroying Haiti and AGOA Provisions”(PDF) Haiti letter from Eight Senators (Lame Duck Eight) to House and Senate Leaders (PDF) NCTO Press Release, 11/13/06 “NCTO Board Votes Unanimously to Support Peru and Colombia FTAs” 11 10 06 Andean Textile and Apparel Letter […]

Archive News Releases 2005

NCTO Press Release, 12/22/05 NCTO Applauds Passage of Defense Authorization Bill NCTO Press Release, 12/19/05 NCTO President Responds to Conclusion of Hong Kong Ministerial and Agreement to Provide Duty-Free Access for LDCs NCTO Press Release, 12/15/05 Price Data Refutes LDC Coordinator Claim That African Exporters Will Not Suffer if Bangladesh is Granted Zero Duty/Zero Quota […]