Archive News Releases 2005

NCTO Press Release, 12/22/05
NCTO Applauds Passage of Defense Authorization Bill

NCTO Press Release, 12/19/05
NCTO President Responds to Conclusion of Hong Kong Ministerial and Agreement to Provide Duty-Free Access for LDCs

NCTO Press Release, 12/15/05
Price Data Refutes LDC Coordinator Claim That African Exporters Will Not Suffer if Bangladesh is Granted Zero Duty/Zero Quota Textile Access

Industry Press Release, 12/15/05
TURKISH INDUSTRY Joins Western Hemisphere and African Textile and Apparel Groups in Warning that Unrestricted LDC Duty-Free/Quota-Free Textile Access Would Harm Turkish Exports (PDF)

Industry Press Release, 12/8/05
Members of Congress Call for United States to Oppose the E.U.-Led LDC Duty-Free, Quota-Free Initiative on Textiles and to Endorse Separate Textile Talks in Upcoming WTO Negotiations

NCTO Press Release, 12/7/05
Trade Groups from AFRICA Say Trade Preferences Must be Preserved in Hong Kong

NCTO Press Release, 12/5/05
NCTO Warns that LDC Duty-Free/Quota-Free Textile Provisions Could Destroy African, Middle Eastern and Western Hemisphere Trade Preferences (PDF)

NCTO Press Release, 12/1/05
NCTO Decries Chinese Bailout of Textile Giant

NCTO Press Release, 11/29/05
NCTO Welcomes Spooner and Quesenberry Announcements

NCTO Press Release, 11/14/05
Trade Groups from NAFTA, CAFTA and ANDEAN Region Say Textile Sectoral is a “Must Have” in Doha Round

NCTO Press Release, 11/8/05
NCTO Applauds New 3-Year Bilateral With China

GAFTT Press Release, 10/28/05
GAFTT Position Paper – Special Textile Sectoral Approach(PDF)

Joint Press Release, 10/13/05
China Talks Collapse and Industry Announces Filing of New Safeguard Petition

GAFTT Press Release, 10/5/05
Global Alliance Calls for Special Textile Sectoral in WTO Doha Development Round Negotiations(PDF)

Joint Press Release, 9/29/05

Joint Press Release, 9/22/05
U.S. Industry Files New Petitions to Limit Textile and Clothing Imports from China (PDF)

Joint Press Release, 9/15/05
Citing Chinese Intransigence, U.S. Industry Files Petitions to Limit Textile and Clothing Imports from China in 2006 (PDF)

Joint Press Release, 8/31/05
U.S. Textile Industry Reacts to Failure of Textile Talks with China

Press Release, 8/15/05
NCTO Lays Out Five Steps to Long Term China Solution

Press Release, 8/1/05

Press Release, 7/28/05
NCTO Applauds Rep. Robin Hayes for Working with the Textile Industry to Enact Long Term Chinese Restraints

Press Release, 7/28/05
U.S. Textile Industry Praises Members of Congress Who Voted to Save U.S. Textile Jobs

Press Release, 7/28/05
Textile-State Members Provide Critical Margin in CAFTA Vote

Press Release, 7/25/05
NCTO Applauds Major Improvements in CAFTA that will Promote Textile Exports and Protect Textile Jobs

Joint Press Release, 7/11/05
U.S. Industry Files Petitions to Limit Textile and Clothing Imports from China

NCTO Press Release, 7/8/05
Chinese Apparel Exports Embargo in Just Six Weeks

NCTO Press Release, 7/1/05
NCTO and NCC Applaud Strong Textile And Cotton State Senate Support For CAFTA

NCTO Press Release, 6/10/05
April Trade Figures Show Actions by Government against China were Key to Saving Textile Jobs

Press Release, 5/27/05
U.S Textile Sector Calls for Enactment of DR-CAFTA (PDF)

Press Release, 5/19/05
U.S Textile Sector Calls for Enactment of DR-CAFTA

Press Relase, 5/18/05
Bush Administration Acts Again to Save Textile Jobs

Press Release, 5/13/05
NCTO Applauds Bush Administration Decision to Impose Safeguards on China

Press Release, 5/9/05

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Dole News Release, 5/2/05
Dole Urges U.S. Trade Representative to Meet DR-CAFTA Concern of Textile Industry

News Flash, 4/27/05
Appeals Case Allows Industry Safeguard Cases to Move Ahead NCTO Urges Government to Immediately Impose Safeguards

Joint Press Release, 4/6/05
U.S. Industry Files Seven Petitions to Limit Textile and Clothing Imports from China

NCTO Press Release, 4/4/05
NCTO Applauds Bush Administration Decision to Self-Initiate Safeguards Against China

NCTO Press Release, 4/1/05
NCTO Welcomes Release of Preliminary Monitoring Data

NCTO Press Release, 4/1/05
NCTO Celebrates First Year of Operations

NCTO News Release, 3/31/05
Massive Surge from China Continues in February (PDF)

Joint Press Release, 3/11/05
Textile and Apparel Imports from China Flood U.S. Market

Press Release and Letters from Congressman Robin Hayes, 3/8/05
Congressman Robin Hayes Questions U.S. Customs On Enforcement of Illegal Textile Transshipments

Press Release, 3/7/05
Massive Surge from China in January

Press Release and Letters from Senator Dole, 3/7/05

Press Release, 2/10/05
In 2004, Imports from China Stage Massive Surge as Import Share Hits 70% in Quota-Free Apparel Categories

Press Release, 2/3/05
Johnson Presents Testimony Before U.S. – China Commission Highlights Unfair Trade Practices as a Key Component to Addressing the China Problem

Joint Industry Resolution, 1/25/05
Joint Industry Resolution on behalf of Avondale Mills

NCTO 2005 Year-End Economic Report
Safeguards Help Improve Industry Outlook in 2004 – 2005 will be most important year in the history of textile and apparel trade


NCTO Statement, 1/3/05
NCTO statement on the imposition of a preliminary injunction by the Court of International Trade